About Us
Danny R.
Founder/Lead Instructor
Danny grew up moving frequently from country to country with his immediate family. It was during those years where he began to develop the cultural and keen awareness one must possess to navigate both permissive and non-permissive environments alike. Over the last two decades, he has transitioned between the military, various private entities to include Blackwater/subsidiaries, and an array of federal agencies conducting high-threat protection, and intelligence/counter-terrorism operations.
Shortly after 9/11 at 19 he joined the U.S Marines and found himself immersed in the culture of the Global War on Terrorism where he would remain a perpetual student for the greater part of his adult life. A decorated U.S Marine, Danny served multiple tours in combat during Operation Iraqi Freedom as an Infantry small-unit leader in a high-tempo mobile unit across Al-Anbar province.
Following his military service and training, Danny deployed to multiple countries within Sub-Saharan Africa as a contracted State Department military advisor to foreign Infantry/Special Operations units participating in conflicts throughout the region. These conflicts include Somalia, Darfur, Mali, and the D.R Congo where he specialized in close protection operations, close quarter combat, foreign weapons, reconnaissance, and RAID operations. Danny and his team developed comprehensive ground and maritime State Department recognized programs which are currently still being implemented and applied by U.S allies throughout high threat regions of Africa. With over 25 deployments to 14 countries on the continent, Danny has also served within security committees responsible for developing escape and evasion plans for teams operating in dynamic and austere overseas locations, as well as serving as a human trafficking prevention consultant. Following the 7 years working as an advisor in Africa, Danny made the transition back to operations where he spent 6 years involved in counter-terrorism operations in Afghanistan with a U.S government intelligence agency. Danny holds a Bachelors degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) in Homeland | Cyber Security Application and Management with a minor in Security and Intelligence studies. In addition he is currently enrolled in the esteemed Master of Space Operations Program at ERAU. During the last 2 years Danny leveraged his experience and security clearance into Aerospace ventures where he is a Senior Manager in the National Security and Space Sector.